DIY: How to Make Your Own Rose + Herbal Toner

We wanted to give you a sneak peak into how our rosewater is made – and how you could even make it at home! Watch the video below, or follow the step-by-step directions to make your own, organic rosewater.


[youtube id="ngr4FnNiLfs"]



  • One dozen organic roses, and any dry herbs you wish to add (we add calendula and chamomile in this video)
  • One pot
  • One heat-safe saucer or small plate
  • One heat-safe small bowl
  • Distilled water
  • Ice
  • Empty jar for the end product


  1. Gently peel off rose petals and place in strainer
  2. Rinse with cool water
  3. Place the heat-safe plate on the bottom of your pot, face-down
  4. Place the heat-safe bowl on top of the plate, face-up
  5. Press the rose petals into the pot, in the empty space between the bowl and pot, and on top of the face-down plate
  6. Slowly pour distilled water onto the rose petals, until they are covered, making sure no water or petals are inside of the bowl
  7. Invert the pot’s lid (with the handle inside of the pot) so that the rosewater steam can drip into the bowl
  8. Place ice on top of lid
  9. Put on medium-high heat and let sit until your bowl is filled with distilled rosewater!
  10. Carefully remove and place into a glass jar

The rosewater should be good for 5-6 months, but keeping it in the fridge will ensure that it stays fresh!

We hope you liked this little how-to! We always find it refreshing to show exactly how our products are made – clean, simple, and pure. Give the recipe a try and let us know what you think! 

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