This week, I’m sharing my favorite foods to eat during PMS week. This topic was heavily requested from our community and we get it! Most of us experience at least some PMS symptoms (breakouts, cramps, mood swings) and find ourselves desperate to eat or sleep our way out of our misery. But before you grab your go-to PMS snacks, remember that good nutrition, sleeping well, and diet go a long way in alleviating these symptoms for your mind, body, and skin!
Here are our top ten favorite foods for PMS weeks!
1. Cooked Tomatoes
Tomatoes are jam-packed with antioxidants like lycopene, beta carotene, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Antioxidants fight against free radicals, and free radicals in large amounts leads to inflammation, aging, and a weakened immune system. Why cooked? According to researchers from Cornell University, although cooking reduces the amount of Vitamin C by 10%-29%, the process also boosts the power of antioxidants found in the vegetable by 54%-164%. Also, when we combine tomatoes with healthier fats like avocados and olive oil, our bodies absorption of antioxidants can increase.
2. Rosehip Tea
The rosehip plant contains many healing properties that promote hormonal balance, a stronger immune system, and cell rejuvenation and circulation. As such, rosehip tea has become a staple for me for anti-breakouts and stabilizing my hormones during PMS. I love steeping organic rosehips in hot water for a PMS week caffeine-free tea. You can also find it in Teaonic’s ready-to-go tea here!
3. Pineapple
Out of the many vitamins and minerals found in pineapples, we wanted to highlight bromelain. This is a unique protein-digesting enzyme that builds up the immune system and facilitates in wound healing (talking to you, hormonal breakouts). Pineapples are also packed with insoluble fiber (fiber that does not absorb in water) protecting you from constipation. It’s the perfect breakout AND bloating fighter dessert for my sweet tooth.
4. Yogurt
Yogurt contains lactic acid which can kill acne causing bacteria! It is also full of acne-fighting zinc, B-vitamins and calcium. B-vitamins promotes supple, bright skin by combating free-radicals and acting as a hydrator. Interesting fact: one of the many composites of skin includes calcium, so a deficit in calcium intake will result in dry and sensitive skin. I love the dairy-free yogurts by Forager and Living Culture Superfoods.
5. Avocado
Avocados help to prevent our hormone levels from fluctuating during PMS. Higher estrogen levels over progesterone levels are what leads to most PMS symptoms like breakouts, mood swings, bloating, headaches, and weight gain. Avocados are known to be an anti-estrogenic food, meaning they contain plant sterols that block estrogen receptors on cells and reduce estrogen absorption in your body. We love this ingredient both in and out during PMS week. You can find this ingredient in our Organic Facial Repair Serum, which I use as my moisturizer in the mornings!
6. Pumpkin seeds
Also known as pepitas, these seeds are high in a number of nutrients like Vitamin E, A, zinc, magnesium and omega-3 fats. Vitamin E and zinc play a crucial role in cell renewal and collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and protection from sun damage. Meanwhile the fatty acids regulate sebum production, reducing clogged pores and oily faces. Start popping! The seeds I mean…not your zits…!
7. Hibiscus Tea
This is one of our favorite debloating and caffeine-free herbal teas. Full of Vitamin C, hibiscus tea helps build the immune system and lessen anxiety and tension. Hibiscus tea includes the antioxidant flavonoids, which have anti-depressant properties and help fight free-radicals. We like to steep organic hibiscus in water for a caffeine-free tea (you can also add the rosehips to your tea!)
8. Raspberries
Raspberries have high levels of Vitamin A, E, and essential fatty acids. That means more protected and hydrated skin. The nutrients and omegas also enhance repair functions for sensitive skin while its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce puffiness. The one downside to these juicy snacks is their cost – a tiny box of the organic variety can set you back over six dollars!
9. Kale
Dark leafy greens that are rich in Vitamin A, C, K, lutein, and iron, this vegetable has a ton of nutrients to promote healthy radiant skin. Vitamin K reduces dark circles, inflammation, and scarring while lutein stimulates skin elasticity and suppleness. Let’s not forget the free radical agents in Vitamin A and C, which boosts skin repair and fight sun damage. During my PMS week, you can find me munching on a kale salad with chicken, pumpkin seeds, tomatoes, pickled onions, sweet potato, and olive oil and vinegar. It’s my go-to!
10. Garlic
The allicin present in this smelly bulb is a bacterial fighting agent that combats breakouts and acne. Garlic also contains the sulfur agent, thiachromone, which is significant for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce irritated skin when breaking out. Now here’s the bad news; to reap the most of its natural properties, it is recommended to eat garlic raw. We know that’s hard to stomach, so another option is to let cloves stand for 10-15 minutes before mixing them with yogurt, honey or your choice of tastiness. Still gross. I know, but it’s worth it!
On top of all of these food recommendations, we can’t forget the first step to it all….WATER! Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate all week long. I hope you like these recommendations for your breakout weeks – keep me updated on if these work for you!